Lead Gen: Build BRAND - The how & why per Rory Vaden & Cultivate Wins

Uncategorized May 23, 2024

Lead Gen: Build BRAND

Summary of Conversation Between Rory Vaden & Sean Cannell

Direct Link to Video: https://youtu.be/9rGkyQXvKvU?si=n4vn6NowL2HCCggy

How to get the most from this blog and video: I am going to recommend that best use of this blog and video set is going to come from seeing it as a set or resources for a mastermind or accountability group to work through over a 3 month period. I am going to recommend that group commit to both watching the video and reading the blog in full, and then work through both the suggested action items and group discussion questions that have been included within this blog. The goal here is NOT to simply watch and listen, but rather to understand, apply and audit for effectiveness within a group setting (such as in a small group or 1-on-1 coaching).

The video "How to Build Your Personal Brand Now (2024 Masterclass)" features Sean Cannell interviewing Rory Vaden, a New York Times bestselling author and co-founder of Brand Builders Group. They discuss the importance of personal branding in 2024, emphasizing that it’s crucial due to the trust it builds, rather than the number of followers or likes. Rory introduces the concept of "digitization of reputation," highlighting that personal branding is about automating trust at scale. They discuss overcoming obstacles like noise and competition, especially with the rise of AI, and stress the importance of finding and exploiting one's uniqueness in the service of others.

Key Points

Importance of Personal Branding

  • Trust: Personal branding builds trust, making people more likely to work with, recommend, and pay a higher price for services from someone with a personal brand.
  • Digitization of Reputation: Personal branding is essentially converting one's reputation into a digital format, automating trust at scale.

Challenges in 2024

  • Noise and Competition: The rise of AI has increased content creation, leading to more noise and competition.
  • AI: AI can create content faster, making it crucial to have unique, original ideas.

Finding Your Uniqueness

  • Framework: Rory Vaden’s framework helps individuals find their uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others.
  • Focus: Diluted focus leads to diluted results. It’s essential to focus on one area until you break through the noise.
  • Shean’s Wall: A concept where individuals need to break through the wall of obscurity to become well-known and trusted.

Practical Steps and Mindset

  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Understand that you are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were. Your unique experiences make you credible and valuable.
  • Modular Content Method: This involves creating content in a structured manner, starting with telling a story, making a point, teaching a framework, inspiring behavior, and giving an exercise.

Action Items and Plans

  1. Identify Your Who: Start with identifying your target audience, described as a one-phrase psychographic persona.
  2. Define the Problem: Clearly define the problem you solve for your audience in one word.
  3. Develop Your Message: Articulate how you solve this problem in one sentence.
  4. Create Unique Content: Use the modular content method to create structured, unique content.
  5. Leverage AI Wisely: Use AI to assist in content creation but ensure your content is unique and original.

Direct Quotes

  • "The goal is to find your uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others."
  • "You are always most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were."
  • "Teach everything you know for free but in small bite-sized chunks and in all random miscellaneous order because people don't pay for information; they pay for organization and application."

Suggested follow-Up questions that you might ask yourself, a coach or mastermind group to go deeper

  1. How can we effectively identify and narrow down our target audience?
  2. What are some practical examples of applying the modular content method to different types of content?
  3. How can we leverage AI tools to enhance our personal branding without losing originality?
  4. What are some common pitfalls to avoid when trying to establish a personal brand?
  5. How can we measure the effectiveness of our personal branding efforts over time?

For small business owners, such as independent transaction coordinators or real estate agents, the modular content method can be applied in several practical ways to create structured, engaging and unique content. Here are some examples:

Practical Examples for Independent Transaction Coordinators

1. Educational Videos

  • Tell a Story: Share a real-life scenario where a transaction went smoothly because of effective coordination.
  • Make a Point: Emphasize the importance of organization and attention to detail in transaction coordination.
  • Teach a Framework: Introduce a step-by-step process for handling multiple transactions simultaneously.
  • Inspire a Behavior: Encourage viewers to implement a checklist system for their transactions. Even providing FREE example templates that they could use, edit and customize for their own use.
  • Give an Exercise: Provide a downloadable checklist template for viewers to use in their own transactions.

2. Blog Posts

  • Tell a Story: Write about a challenging transaction that was saved through expert coordination.
  • Make a Point: Highlight the value of professional transaction coordinators in real estate deals.
  • Teach a Framework: Explain the key components of a successful transaction coordination plan.
  • Inspire a Behavior: Motivate readers to streamline their processes for better efficiency.
  • Give an Exercise: Include a worksheet for readers to map out their own transaction processes that is filtered through, informed by and audited against Cultivate Wins 5x5.

3. Social Media Content

  • Tell a Story: Share a client testimonial that underscores the importance of transaction coordination.
  • Make a Point: Create a post about common pitfalls in real estate transactions and how to avoid them.
  • Teach a Framework: Post a series of tips on managing paperwork and deadlines.
  • Inspire a Behavior: Challenge followers to organize their transaction documents for the next month.
  • Give an Exercise: Host a live Q&A session where followers can ask questions and receive actionable advice.

Practical Examples for Real Estate Agents

1. Video Tours

  • Tell a Story: Share a success story of a client who found their dream home.
  • Make a Point: Discuss the significance of proper home staging in attracting buyers.
  • Teach a Framework: Walk through the steps of preparing a home for sale.
  • Inspire a Behavior: Encourage homeowners to declutter and stage their homes.
  • Give an Exercise: Offer a downloadable home staging checklist.

2. Webinars

  • Tell a Story: Start with a story about a client who navigated the home buying process successfully.
  • Make a Point: Explain why understanding market trends is crucial for buyers and sellers.
  • Teach a Framework: Present a framework for evaluating market conditions and pricing homes.
  • Inspire a Behavior: Motivate attendees to research and understand their local market.
  • Give an Exercise: Provide a market analysis template for attendees to use.

3. Newsletters

  • Tell a Story: Feature a story about a recent successful sale or purchase.
  • Make a Point: Emphasize the benefits of working with a knowledgeable real estate agent.
  • Teach a Framework: Outline the steps to get pre-approved for a mortgage.
  • Inspire a Behavior: Encourage readers to get pre-approved before starting their home search.
  • Give an Exercise: Include a pre-approval checklist and a list of required documents.

Applying the Modular Content Method

By following the modular content method, these small business owners can create a consistent and engaging content strategy that educates their audience, showcases their expertise, and provides practical tools and advice. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  1. Identify Key Topics: Determine the main areas of interest or pain points for your target audience.
  2. Create Content Pillars: Develop 5-9 key themes or topics (pillars) related to your business.
  3. Develop Subcomponents: For each pillar, create content that tells a story, makes a point, teaches a framework, inspires behavior, and provides an exercise.
  4. Distribute Content: Share this content across different platforms (blogs, videos, social media, webinars) in small, digestible chunks.
  5. Engage and Iterate: Continuously engage with your audience for feedback and iterate your content based on their needs and responses.

Example Pillars for Real Estate Agents

  • Home Buying Process
  • Home Selling Strategies
  • Market Analysis
  • Client Success Stories
  • Home Staging Tips

By systematically applying this method, small business owners can ensure their content is well-organized, valuable, and tailored to their audience’s needs, ultimately building trust and authority in their field.

Suggested follow-Up questions that you might ask yourself, a coach or mastermind group to go deeper

  1. What specific pain points or challenges do your target audience face that you can address in your content?
  2. How can you gather and incorporate feedback from your audience to improve your content over time?
  3. What tools or platforms can you use to streamline the content creation process?
  4. How can you measure the impact and effectiveness of your content on your business goals?
  5. What additional resources or training might you need to fully implement the modular content method in your content strategy?

So what might this look like when filtered through the 5x5
(5x5 graphic available at the end of the blog)

Now, with all of that said, let's dive into how you can integrate the modular content method into your small business, ensuring that it aligns with Cultivate Wins' 5x5 core principles. Here are some practical and specific examples:

Applying the 5x5 Core Principles


  • Content Creation System: Develop a repeatable process for creating content, such as a series of templates and guidelines that can be used by different team members. For example, create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for producing educational videos, including steps for scripting, recording, editing, and publishing.
  • Automation Tools: Utilize tools like Hootsuite or Buffer for social media scheduling to ensure your content distribution is consistent and scalable without needing manual posting every time.


  • Training Modules: Create training modules for new hires on how to produce and manage content. This could include video tutorials, checklists, and detailed guides.
  • Standardized Templates: Develop standardized templates for blog posts, social media posts, and videos that team members can use to ensure consistency and ease of duplication.

Freakishly Predictable

  • Content Calendar: Implement a content calendar to plan and schedule content in advance, ensuring regular posting and reducing last-minute rushes. This predictability helps maintain a steady flow of content.
  • Analytics Tracking: Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to track the performance of your content and adjust strategies based on what consistently works.


  • Audience Feedback: Regularly gather and analyze feedback from your audience to understand what content is most effective. Use surveys, comments, and direct interactions to refine your content strategy.
  • Continuous Improvement: Implement a feedback loop where you regularly review the performance of your content and make improvements. Hold monthly meetings to discuss what worked, what didn’t, and how to enhance effectiveness.


  • Batch Production: Batch produce content to maximize efficiency. For example, dedicate one day a week to record multiple videos or write several blog posts.
  • Outsource Non-Core Tasks: Outsource tasks like video editing, graphic design, or content distribution to specialized freelancers or agencies to save time and focus on core activities.

Ensuring Peace, Contentment, and Joy

  • Clear Processes: Having clear, streamlined processes reduces stress and confusion among team members, leading to a more peaceful work environment.
  • Positive Culture: Foster a workplace culture of appreciation and recognition. Celebrate small wins and milestones to create a sense of contentment and joy within the team.
  • Client Satisfaction: Delivering consistent and high-quality content builds trust and satisfaction with clients, contributing to their peace of mind and joy in working with your business.

Informed by Gratitude and Compassion

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Always prioritize the needs and experiences of your customers. Show gratitude by providing exceptional service and personalized touches.
  • Team Support: Support your team members with empathy and understanding. Offer flexible working arrangements and encourage a healthy work-life balance.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with your community and show compassion through initiatives like charity drives, free workshops, or helpful resources.

Practical Examples for Implementation

Independent Transaction Coordinators

  1. Scalable Content System: Create a series of educational videos on transaction management tips, each with a standardized format. Use automation tools to schedule these videos on multiple platforms.
  2. Training for New Coordinators: Develop a comprehensive training program for new coordinators, including video tutorials and templates for common tasks.
  3. Predictable Workflow: Implement a workflow management tool like Trello to track tasks and deadlines, ensuring predictability in your operations.
  4. Effective Communication: Regularly gather feedback from clients and team members to refine your processes and content, ensuring effectiveness.
  5. Efficient Document Management: Use cloud-based document management systems to streamline the storage and retrieval of important documents.

Real Estate Agents

  1. Scalable Marketing Campaigns: Design a content marketing strategy that includes regular blog posts, social media updates, and video tours. Use scheduling tools to automate postings.
  2. Onboarding Program for Agents: Develop an onboarding program that includes training on your unique selling propositions, marketing strategies, and customer service protocols.
  3. Predictable Client Follow-Up: Implement a CRM system to manage client follow-ups and automate reminders, ensuring a predictable and consistent client experience.
  4. Effective Market Analysis: Regularly update clients with market analysis reports using a standardized format that is easy to understand and act upon.
  5. Efficient Open House Management: Create a checklist and a digital sign-in system for open houses to streamline the process and gather data efficiently.


By applying Cultivate Wins' 5x5 core principles to your content and business strategies, you can create systems that are not only scalable, duplicatable, freakishly predictable, effective, and efficient but also foster peace, contentment, and joy for both your team and your clients. This approach ensures that your work is always informed by gratitude and compassion, leading to better work and a more positive impact.

Suggested follow-Up questions that you might ask yourself, a coach or mastermind group to go deeper

  1. What specific content creation tools or platforms are you considering for scaling your business?
  2. How do you currently gather and incorporate feedback from your clients and team members?
  3. What steps can you take to ensure that your content production process is both efficient and effective?
  4. How can you integrate gratitude and compassion more deeply into your daily business operations?
  5. What metrics will you use to measure the success of your content strategy and its alignment with your 5x5 core principles?

The "New 20/80 Rule"

I frequently talk about the "New 20/80 Rule." So what exactly is this "new" rule?

In short it states the fact that many of us have more than "one thing" to offer people. Most of have one than "one way" that we can bring REAL VALUE to the community that we hope to serve. And the "new 20/80 rule" simply states... 

Based on ALL the different ways that you are able to bring REAL VALUE to your community, determine what 20% of this you will monetize, and then figure out how to give away the other 80%. And ensure that the 80% that you are giving away for FREE is better than what anyone else is providing for a fee. Your 80% is not meant to be "partial solutions", but rather they are meant to be COMPLETE SOLUTIONS for whatever area they are addressing.

So Rory discusses something similar to this as well throughout the conversation, but pretty specifically starting around 45 minutes in to the conversation.

Summary of the Conversation (Starting Around 45 Minutes into the video)

Key Points Discussed

  1. Balancing Free and Paid Content:

    • Give Away the What, Charge for the How: Traditional approach suggests giving away what to do for free and charging for how to do it.
    • Abundance Mindset: Rory advocates teaching everything you know for free, in small, disorganized chunks, as people pay for organization and application, not just information.
  2. Value of Free Content:

    • Increased Likelihood of Hiring: The more people consume your free content, the more likely they are to hire you or buy your products because they appreciate the value you provide.
    • Word of Mouth: Even if some people don’t buy, they will spread the word, increasing your reach and influence.
  3. Monetization Strategy:

    • Higher-End Offerings: Free content builds trust, leading to demand for higher-end, personalized services.
    • Diverse Revenue Streams: There are multiple ways to monetize, such as books, courses, speaking engagements, and consulting services.
  4. Mission-Driven Approach:

    • Focus on Making a Difference: The primary goal should be to make a difference and add value to people's lives, rather than just making money.
    • Natural Growth: When driven by a mission to serve, financial success naturally follows due to the value provided and the trust built with the audience.

Practical Application of the "New 20/80 Rule"

Aligning with Cultivate Wins' "New 20/80 Rule"

  1. Determine the 20% to Monetize:

    • Exclusive Courses and Workshops: Offer in-depth, structured courses and workshops that provide step-by-step guidance and personalized support.
    • Consulting Services: Provide one-on-one consulting services to help clients implement strategies tailored to their specific needs.
    • Premium Content: Create premium content such as ebooks, detailed guides, and advanced tutorials that offer comprehensive solutions.
  2. Give Away 80% for Free:

    • Educational Blog Posts and Videos: Share complete solutions on common industry challenges, tips, and best practices.
    • Free Tools and Templates: Provide templates, checklists, and tools that people can use immediately to solve their problems.
    • Webinars and Live Q&A Sessions: Host regular webinars and live sessions to answer questions and provide valuable insights.
    • Social Media Content: Share daily tips, mini-guides, and motivational content across social media platforms to engage and build trust with your audience.

Implementation Strategy


  • Content Library: Build a comprehensive library of free resources (videos, articles, templates) that can be easily accessed and shared by the community.
  • Automated Systems: Use automation tools to schedule and distribute free content across various platforms, ensuring a steady flow of valuable information.


  • Standardized Processes: Develop and document processes for creating and distributing content, making it easy for any team member to replicate.
  • Training Programs: Create training programs for new team members to ensure they understand and can contribute to content creation and distribution.

Freakishly Predictable

  • Content Calendar: Maintain a content calendar to ensure regular and predictable posting schedules, helping to build audience trust and expectation.
  • Performance Metrics: Track and analyze content performance to identify what works best and refine strategies accordingly.


  • Audience Feedback: Regularly solicit and incorporate feedback from your audience to ensure your content remains relevant and valuable.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use insights from analytics to continuously improve content quality and effectiveness.


  • Batch Production: Produce content in batches to maximize efficiency and reduce time spent on repetitive tasks.
  • Outsourcing: Consider outsourcing non-core tasks like video editing or graphic design to free up time for core activities.

Producing Peace, Contentment, and Joy

  • Clear Communication: Establish clear and efficient communication channels within the team and with the audience to reduce stress and enhance collaboration.
  • Positive Environment: Foster a positive work environment by recognizing and celebrating achievements, ensuring team members feel valued and appreciated.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Provide exceptional value through free content, leading to satisfied and loyal customers who experience joy and peace from using your resources.

Informed by Gratitude and Compassion

  • Empathy in Content: Create content that addresses the real pain points and needs of your audience, showing empathy and understanding.
  • Gratitude Practices: Regularly express gratitude to your team and audience, acknowledging their support and contributions.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with your community through compassionate initiatives such as charity events, free workshops, and open forums for discussion.

Suggested follow-Up questions that you might ask yourself, a coach or mastermind group to go deeper

  1. How can you effectively measure the impact of your free content on your overall business goals?
  2. What additional resources or tools might you need to fully implement the new 20/80 rule in your content strategy?
  3. How can you ensure that your monetized offerings provide even greater value than your free content?
  4. What strategies can you employ to maintain a balance between giving away valuable content and driving revenue?
  5. How can you involve your team and community in the creation and dissemination of free content to ensure it aligns with their needs and values?


There is CRAZY amounts and levels of value in Rory and Sean's conversation, but it is the understanding, follow through, application and auditing for effectiveness within your business and life that brings it REAL VALUE. 

Some of you will be able to do all of that on your own, while others would benefit form being a part of an accountability or mastermind group, and others will be best served by investing in 1-on-1 coaching. 

Regardless of what your recipe for success is, DO THAT, and commit to finding, creating and refining your personal BRAND today.


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