Well, are you REALLY ready for this? Because learning any new industry, or even a new role within an industry that you are familiar with will REQUIRE time, effort and real world application.
So the goal here is simply going to be to provide you with a few suggested resources that you may want to consider spending some time with. And we truly hope that this is helpful regardless of whether you are looking to become a TC (transaction coordinator) for a team (W2 employee) or open your own TC business (becoming a small business owner).
None of the suggestions below will replace years of experience that we believe could be invaluable to any TC (such as being an active and producing realtor for 2 or more years or working as an admin for a realtor or real estate team for multiple years), but they certainly should help provide you with some guidance, knowledge and tools along your journey to becoming a TC.
The goal with this blog is NOT to sell you ANYTHING. We work hard to produce and make available as many FREE resources as well, and we truly help that this is helpful to you. So below we will provide a few other additional suggested resources and links, and only ONE of them will have a cost associated with it. And that one resource will be our $12/month TC Support Membership. In that membership we include FULL ACCESS to all of our courses (TC101, TC201, Leadership, webinar replays, etc.).
Things to know, remember & understand...
Being a TC does not and will not look the same for two people. And so the journey to becoming one can and will also look different for many.
Our goal here is simply to provide you with a few tools, resources and guidance that we hope will supplement any other efforts or guidance that you have or are making.
I was recently asked "David, will I be ready, or good to go as a TC after going through your courses and materials?" And the only answer I will ever have for a question like that is this... Many TC's have become successful TC's with MUCH less, and many others have failed or quit with MUCH more.
So although we hope that the above is all helpful, along with some of our other paid courses (through the membership), the roadmap to success will always have to take your desire, goals, work ethic, application of principles and resourcefulness in to consideration. And so with that, we wish you ALL the best regardless of where you land in this journey. YOU'VE GOT THISā€¼ļø¸
50% Complete
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