Underlining & “HEARTING” While Reading
May 23, 2020
Underlining and “HEARTING” While Reading
Q: So what the heck is “HEARTING”?
A: Many of us are used to underlining and “staring,” or using asterisks, to mark up our books. I do this ALL the time (along with writing in the margins). I’m just suggesting that we get a bit more intentional, purposeful and passionate when we put ink to paper. I’m suggesting that if you read something that truly moves you or stirs some kind of genuine PASSION in you that you replace your typical “star” with a HEART. Yup, HEART that baby!!!
I have two very basic reasons that I have gone to using a HEART rather than a simple star or asterisk:
1) I have decided that I want what I write to more closely reflect how I’m feeling at that moment. And if I’m loving something that I just read it makes no sense to me to put a star next to it. A HEART is simply more accurate to how I’m feeling at that moment.
2) It creates a completely different experience for me when I come back to re-read that passage at a later date. Seriously, just think about it… You’re coming back to a book you read 3 years ago. And when you turn a page, and see a HEART on it, how could you not just get jazzed and excited to see what had really moved you 3 years ago? There is nothing wrong with the “star” or asterisk approach, but it just doesn’t seems to have that same ingrained passion and effect on me when I see it. It seems “cold” in comparison.
So take the above suggestion to HEART, and start marking up those books. Be sure that you fill those pages with marks of passion that help you to better engage in what you are reading now and in the future.