Just in case you are notCRAZY impressed with how amazing you are, andgrateful for ALL that you have, I’m going to suggest that read the 9th chapter of Og Mandino’sThe Greatest Miracle In The World.
Chapter 9, otherwise known asThe God Memorandum, is a very blunt message all about just howINCREDIBLY AMAZING YOU AREAnd if you have not read it, and do not have this perspective about yourself, thensomething needs to change, and your perspective isWRONGYou are a FREAK OF NATURE AND CRAZY AMAZING… And IKNOWthat I’m hard core right on this one…You ARE The Greatest Miracle In The World
So if you don’t already have this book,BUY ITand read chapter 9,The God Memorandumevery quarter until it is so engrained in your spirit thatKNOWjust how true it is. And if you have not bought, and will not read it to yourself, I’m happy to read it to youIn factit would be my honorto help ensure that you hearjust how INCREDIBLY AMAZING you are.
This reading takes about 37 minutes to run through, andevery word of it is meant forYOU