Hearing about concepts and principles is very much different from applying and/or embodying them, this video shares practical tips how to do both.
In this webinar, Lindsey Bavaro shares the ways that worked for her and her team to be the master applicator of the core concept and principle in Cultivate Wins: The 5x5.
COMPASSION: To choose you first. This will allow you to show us as the best 'you' for those around you. Don’t be too hard on yourself, build some grace into everything you do.
"As a TC we impact 16+ lives during a transaction. Having compassion for others means we actively analyze our actions and interactions to allow those around us to achieve the 5x5 and their goals as well."
You may watch the video here: https://youtu.be/HmWBRu8gDCo
To get a copy and download the graphics containing the notes for this webinar, click this link https://bit.ly/CW5x5Application
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