Necessity is the mother of invention! I’ve just recently come through an “overwhelm” period of time and here are strategies that worked.
I needed to get myself out of it! After going through my typical bag of tricks nothing was really working, it just felt like I was adding to my overwhelm with more to do’s! I had to get really purposeful about dealing with both the tasks and the feelings associated with my overwhelm, this webinar is the result!
This strategy helped me and I hope it’ll help you too! Let’s start by first naming the overwhelm in our role for what it REALLY is: Job Security! (Even though overwhelm doesn’t feel good and can steal our joy, it’s essential to also see the positive in it. I believe it’s within this positive mindset that true growth and purpose happen!)
"Our overwhelm, and learning to work through it, is growth! It stretches us, it’s uncomfortable and sometimes painful. And in the end we learn from it and grow!" Sometimes it feels like failing forward :)
It can increase our capacity when we learn to work through it compassionately and with grace for ourselves and those around us.
1) Breathe
2) Step out of isolation
3) Organize your overwhelm
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